by Undersoft



The Instituto Hispanoamericano de Estudios Superiores, S.C. gives you the support with technology and experience to meet the obligations established by NOM-035-STPS-2018.The Official Mexican Standard NOM-035-STPS-2018 published and effective as of October 23, 2018, is mandatory as of that date for each and every one of the workplaces of the public and private sectors within the national territory . It aims to establish the elements to identify, analyze and prevent psychosocial risk factors, as well as to promote a favorable organizational environment in the workplace. NOM-035 establishes two stages for due compliance: the first one expired on October 23, 2019.With IHES NOM-035 you can:- Identify and analyze the Psychosocial Risk Factors that are presented in the workplace.- Present an Ideal Psychosocial Risk Prevention Policy.- Recommend a set of control measures and actions to prevent psychosocial risk factors and to promote the favorable organizational environment; as well as, to attend the opposite practices to the favorable organizational environment and the acts of labor violence.Identify workers who were subject to severe traumatic events during or on the occasion of work.